"Djerma stew is the national dish of Niger. It is a fairly typical eclectic mix of European and African cuisines, quite common in post-colonial west Africa"
"International Hangover Day is celebrated on the day after International Beer Day"
"One massive celebration in praise of Canada's farmers and fishers, chefs and researchers and, above all, its home cooks"
"Why the 3rd of August? Who cares, it's a good excuse to eat a watermelon, carve a watermelon or, in our case, use watermelons in cocktails"
USA: White Wine Day
USA: Mustard Day
USA: Mead Day
USA: Jamaican Patty Day
Polish gourmand and cook who pioneered bite-sized, open-faced sandwiches
American entrepreneur, TV personality, entertaining advisor and cookbook author, The Martha Stewart Cookbook, Entertaining, Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook